Friday 20 July 2012

Don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can come pretty cheap. This quote really impressive to me. I really have wallet with empty but I often look forward to the bigger world. Sometimes it is really forget the best things in life is cheapest. To me the most valuable but also cheapest thing is family. I leave my sweetly hometown because of my heavy dream. Family is my backbone supporter. They never leave me alone to fulfill my dream. My wallet is empty but my family is expensive. I will remember, it is a infinity trip but the most valuable things in the significant trip always cheapest.  

Sunday 15 July 2012

This quote looks like philosophy. If you do not open the parachute manually, it will not function at all. It just like my works. If I do not explore the information before I start doing the works, it just a suck. The mind is like a parachute. It does not work unless it's open. I felt it before, the answer will not automatic appear, but I get the expected answer after I try to action to search for the answer. Since the experience, I start to explore and research the information before I doing the work. I just realize the things never give chance to auto-power man but is manual-power man. It also add on to my own  new principles.  

Tuesday 10 July 2012

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." said by Aristotle. In the design area, it is no border to differentiate beauty and ugly. It make me recall back to my college life. I met a lecturer who told me a theory which is you must have your own definition for your artwork no matter how it look like.In design pathway, it is no beautiful and ugly things and it also no right or wrong. All the great masterpiece always have their own great definition. I no have a great skill to create a great masterpiece but I know what I am doing for, I know my definition for my design pathway and the theory I had learned deeply.  

Tuesday 3 July 2012

The books around the bed, that give me a happiness feeling. Reading book can enhance the outside knowledge but also inner knowledge (inner looked). It can train myself, I must continuing to fulfill my dream that still far away from me, no matter how hard is, I always keep going and never stop until my life stop keep continuing. Book never give up you unless you already give up the book. "Live as if you’ll die tomorrow. Dream as if you’ll live forever" say by James Dean.
* The image come from this link.