Sunday 26 August 2012

Beyond a Dream

     I always concern the environmental issues that happening in the world. I dreamed a special incidence in recently and it repeat and repeat frequently. It was a monster that kill the whole urban residents and the urban turn over a grave zone. There were no one alive. I curious to know the whole incidence.
     Actually, this dream was from my childhood's memory. In 1999, a news stated that a city turn into grave within a night time and it because of a monster kill the people. Because of the curiously mind, I research and found that there was no any case such like the news.
    This dream appeared and alerted me the environment still getting worsen and I should change the habitat to environmental friendly. Take as a responsible to caring the environment. I know how to preserve the environment but I was lazy to have that behavior. After this dream repeated over and over again, I have try to change to caring environment behavior. At the meanwhile, I start to read the news everyday to confirm the incidence in the dream that reminded me is just a dream. I believed that I will able to differentiate between dream and real world in the future. 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

In one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day. —Spenser

Spenser said " in one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day."
It is really work in the reality world. Before I started the pre-U journey, I always lazy to do assignments. Everyday must face tons of assignment and mix with electronic device, I was addicted the modern convenience technology-internet. I almost neglected the exam after addicting internet. Everyday, I almost spend more than 4 hours on internet. Then, it turn up the 'RED' results. The following week then I realized the result is mine, it maybe is short term effect but also long term effect. I hurt my pride after I got the result because my sisters always having good result. It also contributed that cannot choose my favorite courses in the future. At that time, I watch a drama but I could not remember the name of the drama. In the drama, it said only change your attitude and the whole thing will change. I tried it and success. I plan to stop using internet until I finish my final exam. I did it, I almost 3 months without internet life and the results of final exam got alt of improvement. The quote that Spenser said, it recall my memory back. After I believed and experienced the life principle, I become a strongly depend my own principle, unless it has strong reasons that same or more than the value of my principle, otherwise, it cannot break the rule. Once I believed the sentence, I have strong principle that I should follow and cannot break the rule.  

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Starlight Starbright

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 Starlight Starbright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
And the wish, I wish tonight

It is a bedtime poem for kid. It means making a wish with the lightest and brightest star. This poem is meaning for wishing dream to a star. There is a girl, who has a dream, no matter how hard or bitter, obstacle or difficult, she never give up and try to challenge it. She looks at the star and commits no matter how hard is it, walk along until the dream comes true, an engagement with the star. In my life time's journey, I faced many tough and obstacle. After I knew the story, my view point had changed. No matter the star can fulfill your dreams, it will come true if you constant your dreams and take an action to fulfill. To sum up, a valiant will never give up their dreams and will be courage to facing and solving the obstacles.                             

Windmill in Holland

The windmills of Kinderdijk or “Child’s Dike” comes from a story taking place during the flood of 1421. It is said that someone saw a cradle floating in the flood with a cat rocking it. When they fished the cradle out near the dike, they found a found baby inside with cat. After that , "Child's Dike"was named. Windmill shape often appear in my childhood cartoon, I never see a real windmill before but I decided must travel there at least once in my life when I was primary school. During high-school period, I learned the knowledge of windmill's usage but I lost the enthusiasm of travelling to Holland because the windmills only refer to science and technology nothing beyond than that. In recent, I done some research of windmills, it is superbly awesome architecture. It is full of historical culture and the the great brilliant idea in the windmills. I almost forget the little dream in my childhood memory. I very appreciate to the cultural in every historical thingy, the nimbus of the history always attract me. I will fulfill my dream after I prepare enough. Holland, wait for me, I will see you in my future.  

A Memory House

In the legend of the Memory House, it hidden in everyone of mind. It is invisible but it can feel inside our mind. Where is it located? Nobody will know but everyone will find it when memory storage is used. This is a myth that I heard in my secondary school. Memory House often use to storage our experience things. For instance, the information in the book after read through or something happened on that day. You may imaging the data which looks like a document. You enter the Memory House, slowly open the main door, many doors in front of you and you choose one of the doors and enter it. When you open the door, you will see three to five drawers and only one of them and put the data in. After this, label the drawer which could let you find it easily when you need it after. This story seem like abstract but it is a train-memory method. I try it before. Then scenario story in my Memory House, no matter good or bad, it has an obvious outcome. After the experiment, I found that the strength of Memory House was too powerful, the bad scenario I too struggle with it. At the end, I decided only good and memorable scenario can storage in the Memory House.

Friday 20 July 2012

Don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can come pretty cheap. This quote really impressive to me. I really have wallet with empty but I often look forward to the bigger world. Sometimes it is really forget the best things in life is cheapest. To me the most valuable but also cheapest thing is family. I leave my sweetly hometown because of my heavy dream. Family is my backbone supporter. They never leave me alone to fulfill my dream. My wallet is empty but my family is expensive. I will remember, it is a infinity trip but the most valuable things in the significant trip always cheapest.  

Sunday 15 July 2012

This quote looks like philosophy. If you do not open the parachute manually, it will not function at all. It just like my works. If I do not explore the information before I start doing the works, it just a suck. The mind is like a parachute. It does not work unless it's open. I felt it before, the answer will not automatic appear, but I get the expected answer after I try to action to search for the answer. Since the experience, I start to explore and research the information before I doing the work. I just realize the things never give chance to auto-power man but is manual-power man. It also add on to my own  new principles.  

Tuesday 10 July 2012

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." said by Aristotle. In the design area, it is no border to differentiate beauty and ugly. It make me recall back to my college life. I met a lecturer who told me a theory which is you must have your own definition for your artwork no matter how it look like.In design pathway, it is no beautiful and ugly things and it also no right or wrong. All the great masterpiece always have their own great definition. I no have a great skill to create a great masterpiece but I know what I am doing for, I know my definition for my design pathway and the theory I had learned deeply.  

Tuesday 3 July 2012

The books around the bed, that give me a happiness feeling. Reading book can enhance the outside knowledge but also inner knowledge (inner looked). It can train myself, I must continuing to fulfill my dream that still far away from me, no matter how hard is, I always keep going and never stop until my life stop keep continuing. Book never give up you unless you already give up the book. "Live as if you’ll die tomorrow. Dream as if you’ll live forever" say by James Dean.
* The image come from this link.

Monday 25 June 2012

 The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth, say by Einstein. An ideal or a dream, that is the pathway in our life. Courageousness is an element of success. I am greatly convinced that  the progress of ideals and dreams are kindness, beauty and truth to everyone. At the end of the path, you will realize the life just a philosophy, included the pure mind, kindness, beauty and truth. Hence, I will enjoy the progress of my dream.     

Saturday 16 June 2012

Sometimes the hardest choices we make end up being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves. World can be beautiful but also can be ugly. That is depend how we decided. At my point, I believed it is a beautiful world because of these 3 words, 人间美. No matter how hard in the future, believe ourselves, we have a succeed in our future. Don't afraid in the unsuccessful matter, it could be the awareness in the future, It is because learned from the mistake. Use the sincerely heart to walked through our beautiful life. This is beautiful and elegant, human world. 

Friday 8 June 2012

No green in the Earth, may the people survive in the Earth ever long-lasting? This picture contain a story. The green fairy flies away from the Earth. Green fairy has a mission that green the planet, but in Earth planet, her mission become impossible, because no people need her, then she decides to find another planet to continue her mission. It is a curse. The planet will destroy when green fairy goes away the planet. The Earth is destroying, the houses float on the sea, after the green fairy fly away. The Earth will back to normal again if let the green fairy come back to the Earth. Therefore, we need to stop destroy our Earth and let the Green Fairy back to Earth and save the Earth. I am greatly convinced that this not only duty of Green Fairy but also our duty. It is because we are surviving in Earth, green fairy help us we also responsible to our Earth.

Saturday 2 June 2012

This picture taken in a wedding dinner. It is a very joyful dinner because it the happiness. Sometimes, happiness beside us but we cannot find it. It is because we think that happiness not easy to get it but we forget happiness is simple. We can use the simplest way to get it, appreciating. Learn appreciate is easy but also hard to do. If  we think to the consequences before do anything, the happiness won't far from us. The problem is would you really rethink the cases properly before start the action? This question leave to our mind. I am greatly convinced that the answer always appear in our mind, do not betray your heart, honesty is the best policy, honest to ourselves. 

Thursday 31 May 2012

Start the thinking Journal

This photograph taken in Terengganu. The beautiful sunset attracted my eyes. Sunset is not an ending but it lead us to a new starting. No matter how tough today, it is just a progress. Enjoy the progress and appreciate the surrounding, sometimes could find a fantasy in the world. Believe ourselves, no matter how tough the mission, it is not impossible but I'M POSSIBLE.