Tuesday 14 August 2012

In one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day. —Spenser

Spenser said " in one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day."
It is really work in the reality world. Before I started the pre-U journey, I always lazy to do assignments. Everyday must face tons of assignment and mix with electronic device, I was addicted the modern convenience technology-internet. I almost neglected the exam after addicting internet. Everyday, I almost spend more than 4 hours on internet. Then, it turn up the 'RED' results. The following week then I realized the result is mine, it maybe is short term effect but also long term effect. I hurt my pride after I got the result because my sisters always having good result. It also contributed that cannot choose my favorite courses in the future. At that time, I watch a drama but I could not remember the name of the drama. In the drama, it said only change your attitude and the whole thing will change. I tried it and success. I plan to stop using internet until I finish my final exam. I did it, I almost 3 months without internet life and the results of final exam got alt of improvement. The quote that Spenser said, it recall my memory back. After I believed and experienced the life principle, I become a strongly depend my own principle, unless it has strong reasons that same or more than the value of my principle, otherwise, it cannot break the rule. Once I believed the sentence, I have strong principle that I should follow and cannot break the rule.  

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